
In the fast-paced aviation industry, time is of the essence. Delays in onboarding new production personnel can create bottlenecks, impact production schedules, and hinder overall efficiency. This case study showcases how ProVal partnered with a leading aviation manufacturer to overcome these challenges, significantly reducing onboarding time and driving productivity improvements.

Client Background:

The client is a renowned player in the aviation industry, known for its high-performance aircraft. With a dynamic production environment and constant new recruits joining the production line, timely onboarding was crucial for maintaining efficiency and meeting tight deadlines. However, their traditional onboarding process, lasting up to 3 days and involving generic training modules, created several challenges:

  • Delays in integration: New hires faced delays in accessing the hangar floor, impacting production output and scheduling.
  • Redundant training: Irrelevant modules consumed valuable time and resources, hindering individual productivity and engagement.
  • Missed deadlines: Onboarding delays impacted project timelines and potentially caused missed milestones.


Recognizing these challenges, our client sought to:

  • Reduce onboarding time: Expedite the integration of new hires into the production line, minimizing delays and maximizing their contribution.
  • Increase efficiency: Streamline training by focusing on essential skills and knowledge specific to each role, eliminating redundancy and waste.
  • Optimize costs: Minimize onboarding expenses associated with unnecessary training modules and delays in productivity.

Problems Identified:

ProVal’s analysis revealed the root causes of the inefficiencies:

  • Generic training: A one-size-fits-all approach failed to address the specific needs of different production roles, leading to irrelevant and time-consuming training.
  • Unstructured process: Lack of a competency-based framework resulted in inconsistent training delivery and potential gaps in critical skill development.
  • Lack of data analysis: Absence of metrics made it difficult to identify and address areas for improvement in the onboarding process.

Solutions Proposed:

ProVal implemented a strategic solution based on the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule), focusing on the 20% of training that delivered the crucial 80% of job performance:

  • Competency-based assessment: Developed a comprehensive framework outlining essential skills and knowledge for each production role.
  • Training module audit: Analyzed all existing training modules, identifying redundancies and irrelevance to specific roles.
  • Streamlined curriculum: Retained only the most critical and role-specific content, creating a focused and efficient training program.
  • Personalized onboarding: Assigned relevant training modules to each new hire based on their specific role and competency gaps.
  • Data-driven approach: Established key performance indicators (KPIs) to track onboarding time, training effectiveness, and productivity improvements.


ProVal collaborated closely with the client to execute the plan seamlessly:

  • Subject matter experts (SMEs): A team of SMEs and training professionals reviewed and revamped all training modules.
  • Technology integration: Developed an online learning platform for flexible and efficient training delivery.
  • Change management: Provided comprehensive training for personnel involved in the onboarding process and new hires on the revised system.


The ProVal solution delivered significant benefits:

  • Reduced onboarding time: Streamlined training slashed onboarding time by 1 workday (8 hours) per employee, accelerating their integration into the production line.
  • Improved efficiency: Focusing on essential skills resulted in increased productivity by 15%, maximizing individual output and contribution.
  • Cost savings: Achieved annual savings of $178,176 (projected to reach $534,528 over 3 years) by eliminating redundant training and reducing onboarding delays.
  • Enhanced data insights: Established KPIs enabled ongoing monitoring and improvement of the onboarding process for sustainable efficiency.


By leveraging the Pareto Principle and implementing a competency-based training approach, ProVal empowered the aviation client to significantly reduce onboarding delays, optimize training effectiveness, and achieve substantial cost savings. This case study exemplifies the value of tailored solutions and data-driven insights in streamlining onboarding processes and fostering a more productive workforce.

Project Details

  • Category: Operational Consulting
  • Client: Leading Aviation Company
  • Location: U.S.A
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Results: Onboarding Efficiency Boost: 8-Hour Training Cut Saves Company $534,528